Happy Monday Fabulous Brown Girls! hope you are staying warm in this arctic tundra we are experiencing this winter! Living in the Northern Hemisphere sucks sometimes.. I guess living down south isn't enough to escape the HAWK!
I originally wanted to write a blog on another topic, but decided to hold off because recently I have been having the strangest, vivid dreams I have had in a long time. Unfortunately, I am not talking about the kinds that go on vision boards either. I'm talking about that good old fashion REM dreams that when you finally do escape them you can't seem to shake them for the rest of the day.
Some of them have been sad and nightmarish dreams, while some of them have been so good I was actually sad to wake up and not have them be reality.
I have never really put too much thought into dreams. Some people say they are symbolic and have underlying meanings to your truest wants and desires. While others think they are just your imagination entertaining you until you wake up for a new day.
Whatever the case may be, do you think the subconscious mind is more powerful than the conscious mind?
Do you think that we suppress are thoughts so deeply into are subconscious that dreams are the only place they are allowed to resurface?
I really want to know what my dreams mean and what they mean for me. So many different emotions take place when I close my eyes for my daily hibernation.. I wonder what I will dream about tonight!
Do any of y'all have dreams that you think are thoughts that you suppress so deeply that they haunt you while you sleep?
Okay, so it not just me with the crazy vivid dreams. Over the years I have dreamed of things and then actually have them come into reality years later. My grandmother always told me that dreams were my delayed actions for future success.
ReplyDelete"The PR Socialite"
But what about dreams that are not necessarily about success? Do you think you dream about things you have secretly desired all along or things you suppress so much that the thought of it becoming a reality scares the living daylights out of you?