It seems that Hollywierdness is attacking our black athletes!! Lamar Odom, of the Los Angeles Lakers, recently up and married one of the Kardashian sisters (Khloe I think...) only after 3 weeks or so of dating... ::blank stare:: Why?.. Just Why.?? I CAN'T!!! Not only do I not believe for one second that this facade of a wedding is real (the Kardashians will do anyting for attention and a quick buck), but it saddens me that these African American men will run and jump through hoops to marry a Caucasian woman in 3.5 seconds after dating, and will drag their own black counterparts through the mud and back before they decide to put a "ring on it"! This type of stuff disgusts me and IDCWIO... (if u want to know what that stands for leave a comment) But is anyone else as disgusted as I am? I mean if you can't see through this spectacle of a PR stunt, then I don't know what to tell you. Going to go vomit now.. j/k...but I really am disgusted....
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