Thursday, January 28, 2010

The State of the Union Address and Why I'm Pissed!

What did you all think of the State of the Union Address last night? In my opinion President Obama did a FABULOUS job tackling the issues of employment, health care, banks, energy, education, the military and a host of other topics that Americans deal with on a daily basis!Here are just a few of the great points made by President Obama.

It was very apparent that President Obama wants jobs for Americans and wants those jobs now.
"Jobs must be our number one focus in 2010, and that is why I am calling for a new jobs bill tonight."

On the topic of those big banks that were bailed out last year, President made a good point.
"I know Wall Street isn’t keen on this idea, but if these firms can afford to hand out big bonuses again, they can afford a modest fee to pay back the taxpayers who rescued them in their time of need."

On the topic of health care, President Obama made a heartfelt statement.
"Here’s what I ask of Congress, though: Do not walk away from reform. Not now. Not when we are so close. Let us find a way to come together and finish the job for the American people."
If you missed the speech last night or want to concentrate on a particular part of his speech Check out the video to view the entire State of the Union Address.

The only thing that bothered me about last night was the post comments Chris Matthews made concerning President Obama and him seeming to forget that he was black as if it were a good thing. Please WATCH THIS and let me know if I am tripping!

I am seriously fed up with these ignorant racial slips that these white politicians and political pundits are making concerning President Obama.

I mean why did he have to forget he was black in order for him to be impressed with his speech? Why is being black so strongly correlated as a bad thing? It makes me so angry that no matter what we do or where we go..we are not accepted for who we are..

Dr. Martin Luther King died for this very reason. For God sakes, we just celebrated this man last week and "his dream" of us not being judged by the color of our skin but by the content of our character still has yet to come to fruition to this very day!!!

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