Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!!

That's right!! This Fabulous Brown Girl turns 24 years old and I must admit it feels GREAT!! I feel so blessed that I have seen this day 24 times and get to spend it with special people!!

This is my last year in my "early 20s" stage before I hit the mid 20s and then .. knocking 30.

But like fine wine, trust and believe I will be getting better with age!

Have a FABULOUS Day!

HAPPY BIRTDAY 2 YA Stevie Wonder version!!


  1. Happy B-Day Girl! You looks FAB!

    Your ensemble is cute and chic. Luvs the hair. Finally done with exams, I'm officially on holidays. Can't wait to see the rest of the photos!

  2. Thank you for the birthday wishes!!!

    <3 FBG
