Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What Are You Thankful For?

Well, it's the day before Thanksgiving and if you haven't already began your vacation, I am sure you are heading out now.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that is really and truly about spending time with your family and giving thanks about what God has provided you directly and indirectly.

2009 has been a year we will never forget with so many highs and lows. I mean everything from getting accepted into grad school to losing a very close family member! But everything happens for a reason so what ever you went through or have come out of be thankful for the lesson because you can not have a testimony without a test!

Here are some the things I am thankful for:
  • January 20, 2009! (aka Inauguration Day) - I was able to attend the historic day and see the first African American president get sworn in! And it was absolutely amazing. If I could do it all over again I will (cross your fingers)
  • FABULOUS BROWN GIRL! - starting the blog (my baby) has given me a better direction on what I like and who I am! I have wonderful readers who continue to inspire me to keep writing. It's very therapeutic for me and gives me purpose and something to look forward to that I started all by myself!
  • My Family - Even though we can't choose them, having my family in my life gives me strength. I never want to let them down so my focus will remain on making them proud
  • Living in Atlanta - Living here is something that I have always wanted to do! And now with God's help, I am doing it! Even though I am not calling it my permanent home base as of yet, I am learning a lot of things about myself that I wouldn't have necessarily had the chance to do if I still lived in DC. Not bashing DC in the least, but let's just say I have the chance to focus on me more so and in the long run that is going to make me into a better woman
  • My Friends- I am thankful for all of my friends who encourage me and put a smile on my face! They inspire me to do so many great things and I can't wait to see where we all end up because I know it will all be FABULOUS!
  • Starting to Find My Passion - I prayed for God to begin to reveal my passions that I have and lead me toward some direction! He has started showing me things and I love the feeling of having direction. Because there is nothing worse than going with the motions and the feeling of being lost and not having a purpose!
  • My relationship with God -After leaving DC I knew that above all else I wanted to strengthen my relationship with God! I recognize so many things He has done for me and I am learning to sit still and listen to His voice. I can not describe the feeling when you see that God answered your prayers specifically to the most tiny detail that you asked for! And it may not have come at the moment you asked for it, but all good things come to those who wait and seek His face!
So FBG's what are you thankful for this year? Leave a comment and let us know how grateful you are for your life, your family, your health, your career, your education

Happy Thanksgiving! Do what the holiday says and GIVE THANKS! Smooches!


  1. Happy Thanks Giving FBG! from the Renaissance Agency. Check your email this weekend :)

    Tonya J.

  2. Thank you!! Same to you! Okay definitely will! I am really loving your blog
