Wednesday, January 20, 2010

FBG Fashion Trends: Shoulder Pad Mini Dresses

I don't know about you but I am already so overwinter and ready for spring time and a new spring wardrobe. I may be a little premature in my wishes, but I can still flip through magazines and online boutiques to see what's hot for Spring 2010. I am pretty sure every Fabulous Brown Girl loves to play dress up, look sexy, and go out for a night on the town. Especially after you have been grinding hard all day, all week, all month, then you should plan time to dress up really cute to just have fun and look FABULOUS.

Well since we are fashion lovers we wanted to share a fashion trend that has really grown to be one of the hottest for a night on the town and its mini dresses with exaggerated shoulders or shoulder pads. This look has been coming down the runway since 2008 and has been growing in popularity ever since.

Take a look at some hot dresses as inspiration!

Oh and don't be afraid to tell us where we can find some more dresses like these-- Fabulous Brown Girls know that we all can look good together--there is no competition!


1 comment:

  1. One thing I m thankful to be able to say is that I have found what my overall style is, and while it may pick up a few variations form time to time, I know what does and doesn't work for me. These dresses are fabulous on a woman with a style and personality that can pull it off. It takes a certain style of woman to make this work *snapping fingers*
