Monday, December 7, 2009

"YOU'RE HIRED!": Ways to Make Sure They Love You During an Interview!

Hello FBGs! Happy Monday! I was reading an article about careers and interviewing and I ran across a pretty interesting one.

If you are on an interview and you want to make sure they like you and see how FABULOUS you are, try doing these four things and you should feel pretty confident about hearing those magic words -- "You're Hired!"

  • Find a way to make them like you! -- This is great advice to those who are naturally not shy person and if you are an introverted person try to break out of that shell! Give them a reason to smile! Make a funny joke, tell a heart warming story, find a common interest/hobby to discuss, or give them a straight up compliment! Getting them to like you before your interview is over is a key way to keep your name at the top!
  • Show that you have done you homework! -- When you show them that you have researched the company and care about their mission then you show yourself as a valuable asset ans a strong piece of the business' pie.
  • Convey that you care! -- Nobody wants to hire someone who just wants a check. Be genuine in your interview. If you have researched the company don't just list generic facts. Show them that you are really excited about the opportunity because you LOVE the company!
  • Talk about your past experience in story form! -- Instead of just spitting facts and statistics (which are great to know, but may sound boring ), share what you have done for your past employer in a story. It becomes more intriguing if your potential employer gets to know you through painting a descriptive story about how you handled a marketing campaign or how you redesigned a website!
So if you follow these tips, not only will you most likely get hired, your interview will seem more like a conversation with positive vibes, and all that nervous edge will go out of the window!

Share your interview tips with us too! We would love to hear them!

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