Tuesday, November 10, 2009

"Things that Make You Go ....Hmmm??" : Sammy Sosa's New Skin Color

I don't know how many people are familiar with the baseball player, Sammy Sosa, from the Dominican Republic, but he has apparently made changes to his skin color to appear more lighter.

It is not clear if he has the skin disease known as vitilago or if he consciously manipulated his skin color with bleach to appear "white". I hope it is the former and not the latter because self hate Sammy Sosa is just not cool!

It was clear that Sammy had darker complexion skin and has an Afro Latino heritage. However, when asked about his new complexion Sammy does not see what the big deal is. He told the media that he is going through a skin rejuvenation process from all the years he spent out in the sun and that he is surprised his skin reacted this way...

REALLY SAMMY? "SKIN REJUVENATION" ??? That's what we calling it now?

Sammy, I am sorry but you need more people sir... Skin may change complexion when you are a newborn or due to a change in climate from a short range of lighter to darker, but never to this degree. Seeing him as a white man screams to us that he has been battling with his identity and love for himself and who he was.

Here at FABULOUS BROWN GIRL, we know how hard it is to really accept our deep, rich, beautiful skin color when the media is doing all it can to tell us the exact opposite. We pride ourselves on being fervent and passionate about loving oursleves and supporting one another in the process, because if we don't do it.. who will?

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